Friday, June 23, 2017

Setophaga petechia

The yellow warbler is nesting in the Rose of Sharon bush. I believe there are nestlings. I hear soft whispers and peeping, and see lots of comings and goings to supply those hungry mouths with moths and other insects.

I am delighted to have the yellow warbler take up residency. I have not seen this for several years, and welcome its return. Years ago, it would always nest in the Hemlock, and every year, the cowbird would visit it. But the yellow warbler was wise. The yellow warbler is one of the few passerine proven to be able to recognize the presence of cowbird eggs in its nest.[18] Upon recognizing a cowbird egg in its nest, the warbler will often smother it with a new layer of nesting material. It will usually not try to save any of its own eggs that have already been laid, but produce a replacement clutch.


Sue said...

Nice pictures. Enjoy your visitor!

thecrazysheeplady said...

Sweet :-).

Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a delight to have this lovely warbler nesting in your garden. They sound so cheerful when singing.

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