Thursday, July 31, 2014

hold everything - it's time to snap

Grab an apron and pull up an Adirondack chair. We can sit on the deck and listen to the river go by while we snap beans.

There are some 700 and some odd steps from the garden to the kitchen. This is the route I travel several times a day, in and out of the garden, with baskets full of beans.

These are Haricots Verts, they grow longer, skinny - tender and crisper than your ordinary bush bean. I raised them from seed I've saved over the years, and this year's harvest is exceptional.

The yield so far is over a bushel in weight. A good year for the beans.

Having picked the majority of them at the peak of their perfection, I will leave the rest to mature for seed, or possibly the bean pot. What comes in on top will be used for fresh eating. Handfuls-steamed then sauteed in minced garlic, olive oil and almonds.

pick, wash, sort, snap, chop, measure, steam, pack, process and store. only ten steps there. repeat as many times as necessary.


Valerie said...


Manise said...

So jealous! Don't forget to feed the snapped off ends to the chickens! But of course you already have. :-)

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Once you get your pantry full of all your colorful produce you must take a picture and post the rainbow of goodies. Seeing these beans makes me hungry. Nothing like fresh beans. Mmmmm

thecrazysheeplady said...

This has been a great gardening year!

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