Thursday, June 28, 2012


There has been a little red fox cub hanging around the riverrim...the chickens are not aware that he/she is a threat because it is only the size of a house cat...and they are accustomed to our own kitty who has no interest in chickens.

Yesterday ..late afternoon...we saw the cub and at about 7:00pm, the mother was spotted as well, but I did not see them together....then again, early this morning...the cub was nearby. The chickens are in lockdown, poor things.

The foxes are good neighbors, they keep the rodent population down..but they are bad news for the poultry farmer. I'll have to keep the chickens locked up for a time. The fox will hunt all day I cannot risk letting the chickens out to free range.

In an attempt to spin a thicker yarn, I took off the drive band of my CPW, and moved the tilt tensioner all the way to the left, and strung a new drive band. It seemed to work very well for me. The Tour de Fleece is starting in a few I'm gearing up~


Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

Ah, balancing nature and farming is never easy is it? We actually see quite a few red fox in town, believe it or not. Many more than I saw on our farm in MN. There is even a natural areas near us named Red Fox Meadows! Nice captures.

Valerie said...

You can send the fox to me!! I have no chickens and way too many chipmunks!

I should join the Tour de Fleece and spin up some of the stash mountain.

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Awwww isn't that cub cute?? I feel sorry for your chickens though. Great photo of your yarn project.

Anonymous said...

Pretty little fox. We had foxes around here for awhile but I never saw little ones - just an adult running through the backyards. I'd hear their spooky bark sometimes at night. But they seem to have moved on as I have not seen or heard them in quite some time.

Cathy said...

I love seeing the foxes and kits around the lake. Two sisters raised about a dozen young up the road from us - that was a lotta fun to watch!

But then, we don't have chickens so we can enjoy freely. I feel for your chickens having to be cooped up...

Unknown said...

No cute foxes, just a coyote in the brush barking an alarm at the dogs. I love nature, just wish it wasn't so close to my livestock.

annmarie said...

poor old chickens! I must say, though, that is one very cute little fox. :)

what a challenge to keep everyone safe and happy!

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