I think it is fun to incorporate something old when making something new.
I've decided to make the straps for my bag using a technique from the 14th century called fingerlooping.
The fingerlooping braid on the right was my first attempt. I made it using 7 bowes..3 on one hand and 4 on the other. It is a simple braid to make, however, I was having trouble getting it as large and as long as I wanted for the straps on my bag.
I couldn't sleep well last night, I blame that fingernail of a moon that is currently in the sky. At some point, when I was tossing and turning, I started to think about how I could make the straps longer. I had the idea of making a chain link, and then fingerlooping each link separately. Today, I tried out the idea. It worked out well. I can hardly see the link in the finished braid. Once I block it, I expect it will disappear.
This picture shows how I was able to make the braid twice its original length by using the link idea. I believe you could continue to add links to make the braid as long as you want. I did have to tie the lengths in certain spots to keep the links in place until I wanted to braid them. I did this in the same fashion you would use to tie a skein. To make the braid wider, I simply used a navajo ply on a two ply, and made the same braid.
As for the first braid that is to small?? I decided to use it as a design element (ahem)..that is what I like about making up my own designs, I get to do whatever I decide!
Oh, that maple leaf that I had needlefelted in the corner of the bag, the experiment didn't turn out as I expected. It lost some of the detail in the fulling process. I guess I could have gone back into it and redefined the leaf, but the more I looked at it, the more I thought it looked to trite.
I like to set my projects up where I can see them as I work on them. I move them around the house, sometimes in the living room, sometimes the dining room, or the kitchen. I like to change the light on them, seeing how the project looks in the daylight, as well as indoor lighting. It helps me to make decisions about what I want to do. I have changed several things on this bag already, but I am enjoying the creativity of the process.