Monday, February 13, 2012

it takes time


Lots of organizing of papers and files, spills over into fiber organizing...and leads me to clean out my flax stash basket. I find lots of old singles, practice work, bits and pieces. Samples.


Wound off and ready to ply, I take the ply ball to the wheel and spend a few moments remembering where I purchased the stricks, and what wheel I spun them on. There are differences in the texture and the color, and I can see and feel the progress I have made over the years. Progress in the sense that my spun linen today is finer than this sample above, spun at least a year ago. These samples are not suitable for anything beyond perhaps.... a market bag, or a spa washcloth. A trip to the finishing pot on the stove for simmering, does little to smooth down the fly-away's and soften the linen.


A mangle would help considerably. I rolled it with a glass to bring up the shine.


After about 3 years of serving as a pot scrubber, it should be just right!


Lisa at Greenbow said...

What a nice dish clothe. I bet I have a basket of "stuff" that needs to be cleaned out.

Leslie Shelor said...

Your worst linen spun is better than my best! Love the natural colors and you'll enjoy that scrubber!

Valerie said...

Shortly before you posted this, I pulled out a couple skeins of Louet Euroflax Linen yarn that have been in my stash for years.

Your yarn does not look all that different from those skeins of yarn. I think even your beginning linen spinning is wonderful.

Have you seen some of the lace shawls knit with the Euroflax yarn?

Lovely work, as always...

thecrazysheeplady said...

What's a mangle? And rolling with a glass? Can you explain/show us that?

annmarie said...

well, at the very least, it's quite an eco-friendly thing. just think of all the sponges and nylon scrubbies that won't be joining a landfill! ;)

your yarn *is* a beautiful thing whether it's soft or not.

Cathy said...

Pragmatic and practical as usual - a real learning process!

I do love the usefulness of the scrubby!! In 3 yrs, we will learn more about the linen used. I look forward to those details.

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