furrow the rows....plant the beans....soy, green and wax.
pick the lettuce...cut and come again...
pick the chive and onion, it will taste good with the fresh lettuce.
...and don't forget to pick the asparagus....AGAIN!
furrow the rows....plant the beans....soy, green and wax.
pick the lettuce...cut and come again...
pick the chive and onion, it will taste good with the fresh lettuce.
...and don't forget to pick the asparagus....AGAIN!
© 2003-2025 by cyndy donohue
Today, it dried enough to till, but no time. Your garden looks wonderful. aahh!! fresh lettuce. The voles may have gotten my garlic. Not a sign.
Note to self: walk over to Cyndy's.
I love asparagus! About all I've got in the garden now is some parsley and oregano, enough for some fresh seasoning. Don't plan on doing anything else because I don't think I'll have any time for it. The herbs tend to flourish on their own quite nicely, whether they get watered regularly or not. And they don't mind the summer heat a bit.
Cathy is silly - snort... walk? I'm sure you do mail order veggie orders, right? RIGHT?!?
Your garden looks great! And I'm getting a little tired of asparagus. But not much else is going on. I got a late start. The beans must go in this weekend, along with the pumpkins/squash/cukes.
Ah!!! Fresh picked salad- lettuce, spinach, osaka mustard, mesclun mix. Good thing it comes in early as it kinda gives you the energy to finish planting the rest of the garden.
Fresh asparagus from you garden - delicatable. Your garden looks terrific.
I love asparagus. You make me so envious with your veg garden as it's so hopeless to grow any up here and I have given up . I used to have a large veg patch in my last garden.
Your garden looks *fabulous*! Mine is full of rocks, clay clods, and weeds. But I love mine, too :)
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