Tuesday, February 21, 2006

books meme

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Leslie from Greenberry House has tagged me with this meme of books...(she had no idea how difficult this was for me, (....I used to work in a book shop remember...)
I save books like I save seed...each book not only tells a story, but has a story behind it...When I look at a title, I am transported to a different time, or place or even an exact moment...there are memories about my books...and so it was very hard to pick favorites.
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1) Name five of your favorite books.
Treasure Trove with illustrations by S. Eytinge, Jr.  copyright 1873
Idylls of the King by Alfred Tennyson   copyright 1910
The Streams  1867-1872
The Biography of a Grizzly  copyright pre 1910
Balm of Gilead published by Luke Loomis & co.  1830
These are my favorite books because they are my oldest books.  I wonder about their previous owners, and I know exactly where and when I became the new owner.  Take the Treasure Trove...when I was a SYT there was a restaurant/bar called "The Library".  When they first opened the place-it was decorated with shelves of books...floor to ceiling.  They used to promote themselves with a "bring a book, take a book" night.  I took a haiku book of poetry and exchanged it for the Treasure Trove.
2) What was the last book you bought?
Actually, I brought a book home from the library today!  It is called "Creature Crossing" by Betty Levin.  The SAME Betty Levin who sold me the beautiful Border Leicester that I recently spun up.
She is an author of children's book, as well as a shepherdess and sheepdog trainer.

3) What was the last book you read?
The Colour Cauldron...history and use of natural dyes in Scotland.

4) List five books that have been particularly meaningful to you (in no
particular order).
The Prophet by Kahill Gibran
Gifts from the Sea by Anne Morrow Lindbergh
More Little Visits with God
Love is a Special way of Feeling by J. Anglund
Journeys through Bookland
These books are meaningful to me because they were read aloud to me, or read aloud by me ...when was the last time someone read to you?
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5) Name three books you've been dying to read but just haven't gotten around
to it?
Unfinished Tales J.R.R. Tolkien
Tolkien & The Silmarillion
The Dogs of Bedlam Farm by John Katz...(because all the dog lovers are raving about it!)
6) Tag five people and have them fill this quiz out on their own.
Hummm..well...only if you read this and you want to...good luck...its hard choosing!

Just one more book....
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I have mixed feelings about this book...It is a beautiful book with an embossed cover...my librarian knows that I like old books, so she snagged it for me when someone brought it in for a donation.  I was delighted until I opened it....and found that some child had colored in all the engraved black and white illustrations!  Still ...it remains one of my favorites and has a bit of its own character.
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Leslie Shelor said...

Wonderful response! Love all the old book pictures. Your house must look a lot like mine!

cyndy said...

Your house might look a lot like mine if:

1.You have books in every room.
2.You start turning every shelf into a place to store books.
3. You eventually give up and start stuffing books under and on top of the bookshelf.
4.You admit you hoard books, and you are out of control..but you like it that way ;-)

Anonymous said...

Tagging me for this one set my mind going last night as I lay in bed--books! They are a passion. I love what you have done with "books meme"--I see we have quite a bit in common when it comes to old books...I may have to show you...lovely post! You have some fabulous books that mean much to you. (I have to read Bedlam Farm too!) PS yes, my house looks like yours (or should I say it 'books like yours')

Dawn said...

I know what you're all saying. My floors have now become my bookshelves!

cyndy said...

Hi Judith, yes it does set your mind going. I have several favorite books for each subject matter...that is why it is so hard to whittle it down...then there are the reasons it is my favorite...is it the illustrations, the writing style, fiction or non fiction???...seems like everytime you think you have a favorite, you remember another book! PS...don't start wandering through the shelves, before you know it, you will find a book you haven't "looked at" for awhile...and it will be opened in your hands, turning to your favorite PAGE!!

cyndy said...

Hi Dawn-
Looking forward to seeing your list too! I don't think it odd at all to use the floor...simply step around them. PS..this "exercise" is a good excuse to "re-organize" and "catalog" the collection!

cyndy said...

oh and...I just ordered The Chestnut Pipe from the Library....if i really really like it I might have to buy it...thanks for posting about it ....

Anonymous said...

I too love books! That book, The Color Cauldron, sounds EXTREMELY interesting to me. That is a topic I'm particularly interested in. Rats! Now gotta go try and find a copy.

Becca said...

I loved your list of books ... a wonderful thing to share with those of us who read voraciously ...

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