Friday, July 22, 2011

make more and make it faster

It is so hot here. Too hot to spin because the wool sticks to my sweaty fingers.

Better to spend the day cooling off in the river, which btw, was still cold and too high and swift for me to actually get some "real swimming" accomplished, but it was very refreshing!


Cooled off and back at the cabin, my Tour de Fleece Challenge of spinning the 3 lbs. of Shetland Samples mocked me. What I need, I thought to myself, is a good old antique Double Flyer Spinning Wheel. Those machines can spin twice as much yarn at one time.

I don't own an good old DFW...but I do have more than one me crazy..or maybe I was out in the hot sun too can be done! Just push two wheels together and add a distaff! This one is dressed with nice fluffy wool from Punkin's Patch.

I'm thinking of running away to join the circus when it comes to town. Maybe I can take this act on the road... ;-)


Linda said...

OMG! Tooo funny! Never thought of using 2 wheels at once! Of course! That's what God gave us 2 feet! Have lots of fun; hope the weather cools off soon - very soon!!

Caroline said...

Wow. I'm impressed! Great idea and you can actually do it!

Lisa at Greenbow said...

Perfect music for this kinetic fast paced spinning. Bravo.

Jody said...

I think I would drive myself crazy doing that. You must be a very calm and laid back type of person :-)

Gertieanne said...

At least you can swim in your river, my river has alligators in it,That's why I have a pool. Still people swim in river, not me. Your river is beautiful and inviting.

Chery said...

So how long did you practice this trick before shooting the video?? Wonderful!

thecrazysheeplady said...


Can you do a video (or maybe you already have one) of dressing a distaff?

I'm hoping to be able to set up a video with the great wheel this afternoon. What software are you using to edit. And please don't tell me it's a Mac... :-o

Valerie said...

I am IMPRESSED!! However, I know how tiring it is to work with both arms up at the level. It's the reason that weaving on the table loom does me in.

By the way....three pounds of "samples"? Really? I'm sure you're going to use this yarn for more than spinning samples.

Stay cool...enjoy the river...

Louisa said...

That is just nuts! You are amazing. BTW please send some of your heat to the Wet Coast. We are cold and damp! I'm tired of wearing sweaters in July.

cindy said...

Leave it to you Cyndy!!! You have wowed the spinning world.

Cathy said...

and now (small voice) I have to go to the library to see yet another video of your amazing feets.


Sue said...


Judy said...

Very cool...crazy but very cool. Have you ridden down the river to see the activity?

Tameson said...

It almost looks like you are milking a goat when you are alternating the drafting. It was quite the amusing video, thanks!

Marcy said...

You are just too funny, Cyndy! Talented, but funny. Leave it to you to think up something like this. :D

elizabeth said...

You are so funny!!! And inventive!

Wendy said...

You're kidding...I can barely spin with one!

Lisa said...

You're Very creative. Superb.

Lisa form Country Guitar Lessons

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