Sunday, February 21, 2010

5 reasons

1. The snow is melting and mud season is starting.

2. The skunk cabbage is showing its hood.

3. The buds are looking less than deliberate, and it is time to set the spiles.

4. My rooster crowed for the very first time today. He is the same rooster chick that I took a picture of last October. You can see how much he has grown. And how much he looks like his father!


And this is one of the new hens.


Notice her muddy feet. I keep telling them to wipe their feet because it's mud season, but for some reason they don't listen to me.

5. The sun sank behind the mountain at 5:05 pm today and that is precisely one minute later than yesterday.


No matter the forecast for the next 5 days shows 5 cancels them out.


Lisa at Greenbow said...

The Mr and Mrs here make a handsome couple. Spring is trying to creep in even though winter keeps trying to push her back.

Sharon said...

That hen is just gorgeous! Your young rooster is quite lovely too! Your spring is trying to creep in just like our autumn (fall)! Enjoy the longer days even if its still cold.

thecrazysheeplady said...

That hen is beautiful! And I love how the light reacted in the sunset shot. Excellent!

Lynn said...

Friday a Turkey Vulture circled over downtown, and Saturday I saw a chipmunk run across the road. I'd take more, but those are all I've got to cling to right now.

Valerie said...

Love the singles in the last post. I love when the singles come off with that "permanent wave" look. Always makes me wonder if that was how women got the idea to put their hair on curlers (aka bobbins).

I could not come up with 5 things that say "spring" around here. Unless you count the 5 inches of wet, heavy snow that fell last night.

am off for some shovel time...

Judy said...

Hoorah! I will take that.

Leigh said...

I agree, beautiful hen. And should I congratulate you on the rooster's first crow? I remember being awakened at 3 AM by rooster crows! Still, I'm looking forward to the day mine does too.

Kristi aka Fiber Fool said...

I hope it has worked for you! The snow that we just had the last three days gave way to sun today.

Tameson said...

Way to be an optimist

Anonymous said...

Hi Cyndy... Audrey J said that I would enjoy your blog... she sure was right! You not only are skilled with fiber... but also with the camera and pen! Love the photos and your comments... I appreciate your time and effort to keep things "real".

judy said...

Yes! First crow from my neighbor's rooster heard yesterday morning. It was SO unexpected, that I stopped to listen to be sure what I heard.

Gingerbreadshouse7 said...

Wish I had a place for a Rooster, and that Hen is a beauty! the artistic color of her breast makes her just more georgeous!.

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