A sadness has swept over my little town because we have lost a young man in our community. He gave his life for his country. I cannot begin to explain how many different emotions I am struggling with over this loss, and yet that cannot even compare with the multitude of emotions that his family must be feeling.
I know this scene is being played out every day...in other little towns across America. Today it is our turn. He was 21 years old. The bunting hangs over firehouse. The flag flies at half-mast.

I know the young mans mother. She is a member of our little spinning and knitting group. Her son enlisted in the Marines, shortly after 9/11. I have not had the opportunity to talk with her since I heard the news. How do I even start to verbalize my sympathy? Words do not begin to touch the thoughts that I want to convey to her.
As a spinner/knitter/crocheter, she was working on an afghan for her son. That is what we do..we spin, we knit, we crochet...love goes into each skein of yarn that we spin...each stitch that we knit or crochet. For every month that her son has been away, she has been making a square. For the center of the afghan, the Marine emblem. The afghan is not finished.
I don't know if she will finish it.
I do know that it will be at least a week until her son's body comes home to be laid to rest in his hometown....and if she does find the strength to finish it, she said it will be something that she can wrap around him. My heart breaks for her.
I do know that it will be at least a week until her son's body comes home to be laid to rest in his hometown....and if she does find the strength to finish it, she said it will be something that she can wrap around him. My heart breaks for her.
What may seem like greeting card sentimentality in this very somber time is also very true. In time the mother will come to understand that her son is, and always will be, a strong thread in the fabric of this great nation. A nation woven of all the brave men and women that have sacrificed and served the nation by defending it. Some have made greater sacrifices then others, some have made the ultimate sacrifice but ALL of us have the responsibility to remember, be thankful and understanding of those who serve AND their families. There are no words that can penetrate her sadness. A family and a community are grieving now and a nation greaves with them over what may seem like a senseless loss. It’s not a time for political statements or second guessing. It is a time for prayer, sorrow, and remembrance as another thread is added to the fabric of the American character.
I'm so sorry to hear about that. I can't imagine how it must feel. Our small community lost two young boys in the tsunami. I don't know how a mother ever gets over that loss.
Condolences and love to you and your community.
The entire county here is also grieving over the loss of a young man in the war; it's a difficult and tragic thing. It's so hard to know what to say, but your friend will know you feel her pain.
Thank you Stacy, and thank you Leslie and thank you Anonymous...for your thoughts and sympathy...I know the family would appreciate your words...
I am so sorry to read this very tragic news. And to read that his mother was making an afghan for her son breaks my heart. May the afghan symbolizing her love for her son give her strength & peace.
oh, cyndy, my heart is aching. there are no words.
my son is a navy pilot and will be deployed to iraq for a short while this summer. it is very hard to handle.
Hi Judith-
Thank you for your thoughts for my friend. I remember the afghan you made, and how you posted about it.
As mothers, we can only imagine what her pain must be, and hope that she finds some relief from it.
We are very grateful to all of our soldiers who protect our way of life. Hopefully your sons time in Iraq will be uneventful, and he will come home safe and sound.
We burried our son with a soft, cuddly blanket(red), color choice to match his camero.and yes, it will probably be a week, before this mother gets her baby home..it is a long, horrible process, the waiting. what gets us thru it are family , friends & memories. I hope that you have gone to visit this mom...........she might need your help, to get the afagn finished!...(ask her!
My heart breaks for you too, as I have found your website that shows what a wonderful person your son must have been. It is such a loss for all of us...we are forever in your debt for the sacrifice you all have made.
just wanted you toi know I cae back, to re~read these posts, today...I still think about this MOM often,............
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