Wednesday, October 01, 2003

Black Walnuts

I was just outside putting the chickens away, and I could see my breath! I glanced skyward and saw a bit of a cloud cover, so tonight will most likely NOT be the night of the frost. In some ways this is good (still have some black-eyed susans to try in the dye pot). The cabbages and broccoli are still coming in, and there are still flowers on the green peppers. But the frost will come, and then the big garden cleanup bonfire. The pile is already growing, as I have been "frogging". Frogging is a knitting word that means to tear out (or rip...hence rip it...ribbit..frog, get it?) Anyway, I was ripping out the morning glories (grandpa ott's) that grew on the fence. They were really pretty, but hurricane Isabel blew so hard on them that they took part of the fence down. Good thing it is autumn, we will have some time to mend it. Worked on jarring apples and pears today, also, filled the galvanized tub with black walnuts and water for a dye bath. A squirrel came along and was bobbing for them. He looked so amusing, I let him take a few. Tomorrow I will have to rig up some sort of cover for the tub before he steals them all.

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