Sunday, March 09, 2025
slow start
Wednesday, February 26, 2025
Dryocopus pileatus
This woodpecker arrives each morning to survey the area and find something good to eat. I have been serving "bark butter" spread, which contains mealworms and other goodies that I spoon into a log feeder. Most all of the woodpeckers seem to enjoy it. When the Pilaeated woodpecker arrives, he announces his presence with a loud "hahahahaha!" and then swoops down from the big old oak tree and grabs onto the log feeder.
We now have at least two of these woodpeckers that frequent the feeder. Sometimes they chase each other in circles around the oak tree. I hope they are a pair, but it is difficult to identify a male from the female. From what I have read, "Pileated" refers to the bird's prominent red crest, from the Latin pileatus meaning "capped".
Friday, June 21, 2024
Pick up Motifs
I picked up some motif charts from the "Lithuanian Sashes Book" that Grace had gifted to me.
At first I was a bit perplexed at how to go about weaving them on the 4 Shaft Dorothy LeClerc loom.
There was not instruction in the book, but there was a lot of interesting history and charts.
I wove a strip of motifs as practice or samples of how the designs would translate. I think some of
the charts were from Kati Meek's book on "Reflections From a Flaxen Past". Weaving was slow
going at first, and after a time, it moved along faster.
Once I understood what to do, I could simply browse the internet for charts of different motifs, and adapt them to the size that I wanted. A pencil and some graph paper and a little math and I was having a good time. There are many possibilities for this type of weaving. Traditionally, the designs were woven for linens or incorporated into clothing.
When I cut it from the loom, I had a long strip that I'm not sure what to do with, so for the meantime, it is hanging in the doorway off the kitchen.
Wednesday, March 20, 2024
a bit of krokbragd
I had some wool that Greta had given me a few years ago. It was from Sweden. I decided to warp the Dorothy Loom for a Krokbragd pattern.