1st river levels rise
due to 20+" snowfall
16th skunk cabbage opens
22nd first thunder storm
24th phoebe returns
26th start lettuce and tomato seeds
28th wood thrush returns
compare with;
March 2009
1st- start pepper seeds
3rd- titmice and chickadees sing
5th - start broccoli seeds
12th - insects & snowdrops up
14th - woodthrush arrives
18th - phoebe arrives
and March of 2008
1st - snow storm
6th - wood thrush
20th- fox sparrow
26th- eastern phoebe
27th- pepper seed germinates
28th- planted tomato seed
31st- garden bonfire
yep. March is for phoebes, and tomato seeds! So I can say it is a good idea to start my tomato seeds when I see the first phoebe return.